Work has been awesome. I'm finally loving what I do... for once. Art was never my thing... even though I'm an artist by trade, my true passion is coming up with game ideas/mechanics, or ideas in general, and let someone else take credit for them:)... that's just the way it is... don't ask. I guess this passion of coming up with clever ideas goes way back to the early stages of Ratchet and Clank. Back then, I used to come up with weapon ideas, gadgets, and gameplay mechanics. I'm even surprised that Insomniac used my disco ball idea for their next RC for the PS3. How cool is that?! Those were the days. So now my new job at SCEA is essentially jamming with the designers on game mechanics and problem solving. This new step can hopefully shave off some R&D work from the developer's end, thus saving time and money.