Monday, August 13, 2012

PS3 Move - Something a little more technical

Here is something for those who enjoy something a bit more technical. Early on, before the PS3 Move was released, the team I was working with were trying to come up with some crazy attachment peripheral ideas for the PS3 Move. I thought these ideas looked fun, simply plug and play, but I can imagine they'd be easier to lose than your TV remote. Fun but not a good idea:).


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Oasis Visas said...
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ZoeyWinston said...

Your PS3 interprets how you move this wand with a lit bulb on the end (the PlayStation Move controller) into the controls for your favorite games using Sony's PlayStation Eye USB camera. You can paint on your TV screen, aim in shooters, and even pull off some amazing archery maneuvers. UAE Corporate Tax

Sarah said...

There is only one version of the global ghost writers and motion controller. PSVR doesn't release a new one, it just uses the existing controller

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